• Full-Time
  • Oglethorpe, GA
  • Austin Industrial
  • Posted 4 years ago – Accepting applications
Job Description


Must be able to install, repair, replace and dismantle the machinery and heavy equipment used in industrial settings. This is accomplished by performing the following essential duties and responsibilities.

Must have and submit a List of Tools and must have Steel Toed Boots and Long Sleeve Shirt you use to perform dailyMillwright duties.

Other duties may be assigned.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Replace defective parts of machine or adjust clearances and alignment of moving parts.
  • Align machines and equipment, using hoists, jacks, hand tools, squares, rules, micrometers, and plumb bobs.
  • Connect power unit to machines or steam piping to equipment, and test unit to evaluate its mechanical operation.
  • Repair and lubricate machines and equipment.
  • Assemble and install equipment, using hand tools and power tools.
  • Position steel beams to support bedplates of machines and equipment, using blueprints and schematic drawings, to determine work procedures.
  • Signal crane operator to lower basic assembly units to bedplate and align unit to centerline.
  • Insert shims, adjust tension on nuts and bolts, or position parts, using hand tools and measuring instruments, to set specified clearances between moving and stationary parts.
  • Move machinery and equipment, using hoists, dollies, rollers, and trucks.
  • Attach moving parts and subassemblies to basic assembly unit, using hand tools and power tools.
  • Assemble machines, and bolt, weld, rivet, or otherwise fasten them to foundation or other structures, using hand tools and power tools.
  • Lay out mounting holes, using measuring instruments, and drill holes with power drill.
  • Bolt parts, such as side and deck plates, jaw plates, and journals, to basic assembly unit.
  • Level bedplate and establish centerline, using straightedge, levels, and transit.
  • Dismantle machines, using hammers, wrenches, crowbars, and other hand tools.
  • Shrink-fit bushings, sleeves, rings, liners, gears, and wheels to specified items, using portable gas heating equipment.
  • Dismantle machinery and equipment for shipment to installation site, usually performing installation and maintenance work as part of team.
  • Construct foundation for machines, using hand tools and building materials such as wood, cement, and steel.
  • Operate engine lathe to grind, file, and turn machine parts to dimensional specifications.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Qualifications Required for this Position:

Education – no minimum education requirements.

Experience – 3-5 years of Journeyman level experience.

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