Manager, IT Infrastructure

  • Full-Time
  • Reston, VA
  • Caliburn International
  • Posted 4 years ago – Accepting applications
Job Description

Our vision aims to empower our clients by actively leveraging our broad range of services. With our global presence, we have career opportunities all across the world which can lead to a unique, exciting and fulfilling career path. Pick your path today! To see what career opportunities we have available, explore below to find your next career!


Reston, VA

Primary Function

Caliburn is seeking an Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure Manager responsible for the design, implementation, integration, maintenance, and security of our global enterprise network, to include management, strategic planning, and budgeting. This role reports directly to the Chief Information Officer and serves as a focal point to implement IT operational and infrastructure technology while supporting the use of computer technology to enhance the efficiency and quality of Caliburn’s staff output.


  • Serve as a leader in strategic planning, budgeting, implementation and maintenance of enterprise networks, systems, and policies and procedures.
  • Oversee the management, maintenance, and security of core software infrastructure and cloud migration plans, including Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Online, AzureAD, Domain Servers, Workstations, Teams and VOIP systems.
  • Develops and documents the framework for integration and implementation for changes to technical standards.
  • Lead the technical planning and implementation of network security solutions.
  • Direct and supervise the activities and services of the Information Systems and IT Operations staff overseeing and evaluating staff workloads and projects.
  • Responsible for overseeing and managing global level 5 physical and cloud data centers in co-locations, AWS, and Azure.
  • Act as primary engineer responsible for design, installation and administration of VMware and storage environments.
  • Monitors and evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of infrastructure service delivery methods and procedures, monitors business critical processes and services, plans and implements upgrades needed to maintain service levels, develop and lead the replacement of infrastructure at end of life.
  • Create and implement IT policies and procedures.
  • Identifies, analyzes, and resolves program support deficiencies.
  • Establishes rapport and develops trust within project teams, stakeholders, and customers.
  • Ability to work with a variety teams, manage multiple tasks, hold team members accountable, and pivot quickly.
  • Other duties assigned by management.

Other Duties:

  • Performs duties in a safe manner. Follows the corporate safety policy. Participates and supports safety meetings, training and goals. Ensures safe operating conditions within area of responsibility. Encourages co-workers to work safely. Identifies “close calls” and/or safety concerns to supervisory personnel. Maintains a clean and orderly work area.
  • Supports active implementation of company initiatives to ensure compliance with OSHA VPP, ISO, JCAHO and other mandated regulatory or conformance regulations/standards.

Job Requirements

  • At least 10 years of progressive experience in IT, including experience designing and defining information technology (IT) system architecture for integration of multiple platforms, operating systems, and applications across the enterprise.
  • Able to motivate and direct staff and subordinates.
  • Experience with delivery of various IT Infrastructure projects.
  • Strong understanding of Windows Server operations and roles.
  • Strong understanding of VMware vSphere, vCenter, and ESXi hypervisor operations.
  • Strong understanding of other virtualization platforms such as Citrix Xen, Microsoft Hyper-V, and cloud services, and SaaS.
  • Strong understanding of LAN, WAN, and storage network technology. This includes hardware devices and software protocols and services.
  • Strong understanding of local, SAN, and NAS storage technologies from vendors such as Nimble, NetApp, Pure, and EMC.
  • Administrative knowledge of MS SQL Server and other databases. Knowledge of clustering, high availability, backups, and log handling is also required.
  • Strong understanding of Microsoft Exchange Server, Exchange Online, Office 365, including mailbox management, database management, high availability, clustering, security, and anti-spam products.
  • High-level understanding of information security principles and technology.
  • High-level understanding of DR/BC technology and methodology, backups, restores, replication, and associated systems from a variety of vendors.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Knowledge of IT project management tools and methodologies, including project charters, planning, work breakdown structures, risk analysis, etc.
  • Strong Communication and problem-solving skills required for both helping end users and resolving issues with vendors with minimal oversight. Possess the necessary skills to effectively communicate to non-technical users.
  • Ability to take ownership of problems, work alone or with others to follow them to a successful resolution.
  • Possess a deep knowledge and understanding of global processes and systems and understand the need for potential work-arounds based on global locations and time zones.
  • Ability to gather and analyze facts, draw conclusions, define problems, and suggest solutions.
  • Ability to plan and manage concurrent tasks, assignments, projects, and deadlines.
  • Ability to prepare detailed written instructions and documentation.
  • Ability to organize and coordinate the work of others.
  • Ability to set priorities and assign work to other professionals.
  • Strong organizational, administrative and documentation skills

Physical Requirements and Work Conditions

  • Work is normally performed in a typical interior/office work environment, however may include deployment to both domestic and overseas locations that may entail austere or challenging work environments.
  • Work involves sitting and standing for prolonged periods of time.
  • May require bending, stooping and lifting up to 15 lbs.

Who We Are

About Caliburn Internat i onal, LLC: We are a l e ading pro v ider of profe s s ional s er v i c e s and s olu ti ons to U.S. federal go v ern m ent agencies a n d c o mm er c ial c lien t s . W e pro v ide c on s ulting, e n gineering, m edi c al, a n d en v iron m e ntal s er v i c es as well as l arge sc ale p rogram m a n age m ent in s upport of o ur c ore m ar k ets of national defense, in t ernational d i plo m a c y , and ho m eland s e c urity c li e nt readine s s . Caliburn e m plo y s o v er 8,000 dedi c a t ed profe ss i o nals deplo y ed a c ro s s fiv e c ontinent s . The c o m pan y ’s web s ite is w ww. c aliburn i ntl. c om .

This job d es c ription i s to be u s ed as a guide for a cc o m pli s hi n g c o m pany and department obje c t iv es and is not i n tended and s hould not b e c on s trued to be an al l - i n c lu s i v e l i s t of re s ponsi b iliti e s , s k ill s , efforts or wor k ing c ond i t i ons a ss o c ia t ed with a j o b. M anage m ent re s er v es the right to m od i f y , add or re m o v e dut i es from parti c ular jobs a nd to a ss ign other duties as ne c e s s a r y .

Caliburn is a n Equal Opportunity E m plo y er (EO E ). E m plo ym ent s ele c t i o n and relat e d de c i s io n s are m ade without regard to ra c e, c olor, national ori g in, religion, s e x , di s abili ty , v eteran st atu s , gender identit y , and s e x ual ori e ntation, and other s tatu s es prote c ted by law.

Caliburn International is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, sex, national origin, age, protected veteran status, or disability status.

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