Economic Vitality Manager (20072063)
- Full-Time
- Mountain View, CA
- City Of Mountain View
- Posted 4 years ago – Accepting applications
The Community active downtown offers a wide range of and Carnegie Mellon-West, provides attractions including a vibrant restaurant top-notch advanced education and
and shopping scene, cultural events, opportunities for lifelong learning.
Located between the Santa Cruz concerts, and a weekly farmers’ market.
Mountains and San Francisco Bay, the The Civic Center, built around Pioneer Mountain View is experiencing more
City of Mountain View spans just over Park, has one of the finest performing development activity than most cities on
12 square miles in the center of Silicon arts facilities in Northern California, the Peninsula. The wide array of projects
Valley, 10 miles north of San Jose and as well as a 60,000-square-foot, newly includes mixed use, residential (including
35 miles south of San Francisco. The renovated Library. affordable housing), commercial, hotel
City is home to approximately 81,000 and office buildings, as well as large-scale
residents and many internationally Mountain View’s 39 City parks and master plans in the East Whisman and
known corporations such as Google, extensive trail system provide an array North Bayshore areas. In addition, several
Microsoft, Intuit, and LinkedIn, as well of opportunities for recreation and long-range projects, including the City’s
as a thriving downtown and small active living. Shoreline At Mountain View Downtown Precise Plan, Gateway Master
business scene, and near the NASA is a regional park with stunning views Plan and a revision of the City’s R3 multi-
Ames Research Center. While leading the along San Francisco Bay, featuring an family ordinance, are currently underway.
region in innovation and ideas, Mountain 18-hole golf course, sailing lake, and 9.7
View remains committed to the values miles of trail. Shoreline Amphitheatre For a complete list of projects and their
of strong neighborhoods and community boasts an exciting concert season respective status, visit: https://bit.
involvement. bringing top-name performing artists to ly/2Lz7FXm.
Mountain View.
Mountain View prides itself on providing
exceptional public services and facilities Mountain View is served by excellent
that meet the needs of a caring and public and private schools. Our proximity
diverse community in a financially to some of the best universities in the
responsible manner. In the heart of nation, including Stanford, Santa Clara
the City, Mountain View’s historic and University, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz,
City Government Under her leadership, the City has pivoted quickly in the current crisis to take bold and
strategic steps to evolve the organization,
The City of Mountain View is a progressive, implement innovative new programs to
full-service city operating under the serve the Mountain View community, and
Council-Manager form of government. The begin to defi ne the “next normal” as the In response to the dramatic impacts
seven Councilmembers are elected at large region recovers from the pandemic. COVID-19 conditions have imposed
for four-year terms that are staggered, with upon businesses, Mountain View quickly
elections held in even-numbered years. Mountain View’s sound fi scal practices, established unprecedented standards
The Mayor rotates every year among the strong budget discipline, and diversifi ed tax for offering direct and timely support by
Councilmembers. Mountain View City base have allowed the City to maintain its designing and launching Small Business
Council has a well-earned reputation for AAA credit rating and will help to weather Resiliency and Small Landlord Relief
taking the lead on challenging regional the evolving pandemic-prompted downturn. programs in a matter of days. These
issues, working together with civility, and In fi scal year 2020-21, the City is supported programs provided quick and easy access
treating members of the community and by a general operating fund budget of to 0% interest microloans to qualifying
City staff with respect and appreciation. $148.0 million (total budget $346.2 million) businesses. Further, along with offering
and 661.25 employees. The City is very technical assistance to business owners in
Every two years, the Council adopts intentional regarding maintaining a robust pursuit of federal and/or state assistance,
priority goals that provide a focus for the and vibrant organizational culture. This the City established a team of staff that
organization’s workplan and drive progress demanding yet rewarding environment is called more than 700 small businesses in
on important community issues. The suitable for professionals who are striving a high-touch approach to understanding
Council’s four priority goals for the next to be, at the top of their game as this the needs of the business community.
fi scal year are: promoting a community for mid-size city performs more like a larger The City also created the #TogetherMV
all with a focus on vulnerable populations metropolitan municipality. online donation campaign for community
and preserving the City’s socioeconomic members to donate towards the Small
and cultural diversity; improving the Business Resiliency Program. City funding,
quantity, diversity, and affordability of The Mountain View team has coupled with generous donations from
housing; developing and implementing established the following Google, LinkedIn, and more than 170
comprehensive and innovative organizational values that guide community members, has provided more
transportation strategies; and promoting their work: than $1 million in capital available to
environmental sustainability and quality of businesses in need through the Small • Provide exceptional service •
life for the community. Business Resiliency Program.• Act with integrity •
The City Council appointed Kimbra • Treat others with respect • To learn more about the City of Mountain
McCarthy as City Manager in March 2020. View, please visit
Economic is a high-profi le position that will interact members of her team. In addition, this with leaders in all sectors of the business manager will frequently interact and
Vitality Manager community, from the largest corporations collaborate with team members in the to small businesses located downtown Community Development Department,
and throughout the City. The Economic support the City Council-appointed Visual
An Opportunity to Reinvent Vitality Manager will initially be supported Arts Commission and the Downtown by 1.5 staff plus consultants who are Committee, and manage the City’s
Economic development, with a specifi c dedicated to carrying out the division’s Downtown Parking District.
focus on small business development, current commitments and assisting
is a priority focus area for the City as the with the creation of a new Strategic Plan As a key member of the City team, this
region moves towards recovery from the that will defi ne the future of economic individual will develop strong internal and
current pandemic. The candidate selected development in Mountain View. external relationships including acting
will have the rare opportunity to design as the City’s liaison for the Downtown
a contemporary and comprehensive Reporting to the Assistant City Manager/ Business Association, Chamber of
Economic Development program that Community Development Director, the Commerce, Downtown Business
meets the robust expectations of a position resides in the City Manager’s Improvement Association, and other
dynamic Silicon Valley municipality. This Offi ce and will be expected to engage regional associations such as the Silicon regularly with the City Manager and key Valley Economic Development Alliance.
The Ideal Candidate a collaborative partner, this candidate will have an impressive history of
building and maintaining effective
relationships with both internal as well as City of Mountain View The ideal candidate will be a proactive and
forward-thinking economic development external stakeholders and be known for Cultural Ideals:
professional known for being incredibly outstanding customer orientation. Empower People
innovative and results oriented. This
high-energy manager will naturally thrive Consistent with the Mountain View Foster Collaboration
in a demanding and dynamic environment. culture, the ideal candidate will be a skilled Enhance Our Community
To be a good fi t in this supportive and energetic people manager capable Support Continuous Learning
organization, leaders must always be of inspiring team members to perform
beyond what they believe they are capable Champion Wellnessstriving to enhance their “A game” while
exhibiting genuine care and concern for the of. In addition, this candidate will have Lead with Empathy
community. a history of cultivating followership and Embrace Change and Innovation
excitement around goals that advance the
The ideal candidate will have the big picture of an organization.
demonstrated ability to become an
invaluable resource for the Mountain Working in partnership with the City’s
View business community. This leadership, the Economic Vitality Manager
accessible and visible individual will must be willing to evaluate and introduce
be a superior communicator with creative and groundbreaking ideas that
exceptional interpersonal skills and high best serve the business community while
emotional intelligence. To that end, the keeping the vision for Mountain View
ideal candidate will convey a passion for at the forefront. Hence, the candidate the capacity to analyze and thoughtfully
staying attuned to the needs and desires selected will display enthusiasm for communicate new concepts and
of both small and large businesses and researching and designing promising possibilities are prerequisites for success
be capable of interacting effectively strategies that show potential for in this role.
with all sectors during this particularly Mountain View’s future economy.
diffi cult and uncertain time. Viewed as Impressive critical thinking abilities and Five years of increasingly responsible
experience in economic development,
redevelopment, real estate fi nancing, and
planning, including one year of supervisory
responsibility along with a Bachelor’s
degree from an accredited college or
university with major course work in
urban economics, fi nance, business or
public administration or related fi elds,
is required. Competitive candidates will
possess general knowledge of real estate
and land use laws. Experience working in
a municipal environment, interacting with
elected and/or appointed offi cials and
familiarity with the Silicon Valley economy
will be considered favorably.
Compensation & Benefits Application &
The annual starting salary range for the Economic Vitality Manager (working title for Selection Process
Economic Development Manager) is $136,553 - $204,830 (with a control point of
$170,692). Pay beyond the control point may be awarded for exceptional experience and The closing date for
qualifi cations upon hire and/or for meritorious performance while serving. The City also applications is midnight on
offers a highly competitive benefi ts package that includes the following:
Sunday, February 7, 2021.
Retirement: 2.7% at 55 years of age Commute Incentives: To apply for this opportunity, Up to $100/
for CalPERS classic members and 2% at month City contribution for mass transit upload cover letter, resume
62 for CalPERS new members; employee expenses, with $10/month minimum and a list of six professional
contribution to CalPERS is 11.5% for employee contribution; discounts for references using the
classic members and 10.5% for new carpools and ride-shares, and a bicycle
members for fi scal year 2020-2021; commute incentive. “Apply Now” feature at
with no Social Security deduction.
Tuition Reimbursement:
Vacation Leave: 12 days per year Tuition reimbursement funds up to
increasing up to 23 days depending $20,000 for completion of a job-related
on years of service. Annual vacation bachelor’s or master’s degree or
cash-out program available. approved leadership program.
Sick Leave: Accrues at 12 days per Retiree Health Plan: Employees
year. Additional 4 hours of vacation leave can participate in a defi ned benefi t or a Suzanne Mason • 562.631.2500
is granted for each quarter when sick defi ned contribution retiree health plan. Teri Black • 424.296.3111
leave is not used.
Deferred Compensation: TERI BLACK & COMPANY, LLC
Management Leave: 10 days per Deferred compensation plans are
fi scal year; paid out at the end of fi scal available for voluntary employee
year if not used. contributions. Following the closing date, resumes will be
screened in relation to the criteria articulated
Health Insurance: The City offers Housing: A low-interest loan of up in this brochure. Applicants with the most
a choice of four medical plans (two to $250,000 is available to assist with relevant qualifi cations will immediately be
HMO plans, one HDHP/HSA, and one purchasing of a primary residence granted preliminary interviews by the recruiters.
PPO) through Health Net and Kaiser. in Mountain View or within a 10-mile Candidates deemed to be the best qualifi ed
The City pays the full premium for vision radius of Mountain View (following will be invited to participate in additional
coverage and full dental premiums for successful completion of a 1-year interviews in March. A timely appointment
the employee plus a signifi cant portion of probation). is anticipated following fi nal interviews and
dependent coverage. Short- and long-term after the completion of thorough background
disability, life, and accidental death and Relocation: Relocation assistance and reference checks. Please note that
dismemberment insurances are provided may be provided. references will not be contacted until the end
and paid for by the City. of the process and, at that time, will be done
Other Benefi ts: City offers an so in close coordination with the candidate
Wellness: Wellness-minded Employee Assistance Program (EAP), impacted.
culture including access to an onsite and IRS Section 125 fl exible benefi ts
employee gym and incentive pay for or pretax childcare. The City of Mountain View reserves the right
participating in the City’s wellness to alter the interview and selection process
program. in response to the evolving impacts of the
COVID-19 virus.