Drug Intelligence Officer

  • Full-Time
  • Baltimore, MD
  • University Of Baltimore
  • Posted 4 years ago – Accepting applications
Job Description

Position is open until filled. Applications received by January 28, 2021 will receive priority consideration.

** Due to the nature of work, analyst may be required to pass a drug screening test and must possess or obtain a government-issued security clearance and pass a criminal background check. US citizenship is required to receive the required security clearance.

The Center for Drug Policy and Prevention houses the Washington/Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (W/B HIDTA), which is a federally funded program under the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). The W/B HIDTA provides funding, training, intelligence sharing, and analytical support to law enforcement drug operations in designated areas of the state. The HIDTA program serves as a force-multiplier in the region, leveraging resources and partnering agencies toward a common goal. The HIDTA program partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop the Overdose Response Strategy (ORS), an initiative designed to enhance public health-public safety collaborations and to strengthen efforts to reduce drug overdose deaths across country. The ORS places Drug Intelligence Officers (DIOs) and Public Health Analysts (PHAs) in states to work collaboratively with various local, state, and federal agencies. The DIO and PHA gather, analyze, and disseminate vital information about substance use with a focus on actionable intelligence, trend information, and best practices for developing evidence-based responses to the opioid epidemic in their area. The DIO position will support Maryland and facilitate interagency, public health-public safety collaborations, and distribute drug-related intelligence throughout Maryland in coordination with the other HIDTA ORS DIOs. The position will work collaboratively with Maryland officials to disseminate nationally recognized best practices in Maryland and support analysis and tracking of all drug related data for the state.

We look forward to receiving your required electronic application with a cover letter and resume and learning about your interest in and qualifications for our vacancy. Please save your required cover letter and resume as one document and attach it in the resume location.

Key Responsibilities:

Intelligence/analytical Support - Prepare intelligence reports, bulletins and specialized reports dealing with criminal organizations, drug trends and patterns, and potential officer safety, public health or drug policy concerns. Collect, organize and analyze large amounts of public health data, law enforcement information, and criminal intelligence. Integrate various software/databases to facilitate the intelligence analysis process. Prepare graphs, charts, and other illustrative reports for visual presentation of data.

Work closely with Public Health Analysts to facilitate collaboration between public health and public safety entities, such as data sharing, public safety-led linkage to care, naloxone distribution, and overdose spike responses.

Establish points of contact with key federal, state, and local drug enforcement representatives to promote awareness and utilization of the DIO Network to:

  • Promote awareness of priority intelligence through coordinated meetings, trainings, and outreach opportunities
  • Coordinate the use of centralized databases for the timely exchange of information
  • Identify drug trafficking operations across jurisdictions

Implement the Felony Arrest Notification program to track all drug felony arrests in Maryland and notify the appropriate law enforcement agencies.

Prepare written reports and make public presentations on drug and health related trends nationally and within Maryland.

Participate in monthly heroin coordinators roundtable meeting at the HIDTA to share information, trends, and best practices. Respond to 100% of requests for analytical support from the Heroin Coordinators.

Promote the use of the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP), a real time surveillance tool developed by W/B HIDTA for overdose reporting and analysis. Provide training and demonstrations on the use of the ODForm for ODMAP and Case Explorer - this is a mobile data entry vehicle for overdose related information.

Required and Preferred Qualifications

Baccalaureate degree in Criminal Justice, Intelligence studies, History, Public Administration, or other related field/discipline that contributes to the incumbent’s success is required. Three years of progressive experience in law enforcement, public safety or intelligence is required. Five years of experience in a law enforcement, public safety or intelligence is preferred.

Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Experience performing data analysis, developing reports, reporting and presenting data, policy recommendations, etc. Knowledge of opioid and substance abuse threats. Knowledge of the law enforcement and substance abuse field. Demonstrated skill in developing reports and making policy recommendations. Demonstrated skills in project management, data analysis and ability to review data and make formal recommendations. Knowledge of and ability to use MS Office and analytical tools. Demonstrated skill in developing and providing formal presentations. Demonstrated communication skills including oral, electronic and writing abilities. Ability to form, maintain and leverage working partnerships with government agencies on health policy. Ability to network with organizations and professionals in related fields.

** Employee may be required to work outside of normal duty hours during significant or special events and during server or software crises or high-level investigations related to terrorism or criminal activity.

The University of Baltimore ("UB" or "University") does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, race, religion, age, disability, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other legally protected characteristics in its programs, activities or employment practices. UB is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/ADA Compliant Employer & Title IX Institution.

We appreciate your interest in our recruitment. Please review the information below before you visit http://www.ubalt.edu/candidate_gateway/erecruit.html to apply.We need to receive your electronic application in our system by the vacancy closing date in order to consider you for the vacancy. Information follows about submitting the electronic application and attaching your required cover letter and resume.Applicant Instructions: Using Candidate Gateway to View and Apply for UB Vacancies

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Please read and print the information below before you apply, and refer to it as you enter your application.



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  • Save one PDF or Word file with your cover letter, resume, and any additional information you would like to have considered.

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  • In Candidate Gateway: Click “Browse” to access the Word or PDF document you saved with all of your documents.
  • Then, click “Upload” to attach it.
  • Click “Continue” to continue the application process.


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To apply for your selected job: When you reach the “Submit Online Application” page shown below, you must click “I agree to these terms” and then click the “Submit” button at the end of the screen. After you click “Submit,” then you will see this information at the top of your screen:

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Note: This screen will also show additional information about the selection process and Office of Human Resources contact information.

If you have trouble viewing our job postings or applying for the vacancy, contact ubhrcareers@ubalt.edu for assistance.


External applicants: Review the vacancy announcement at http://www.ubalt.edu/candidate_gateway/erecruit.html and click the external applicant link to apply.

Internal applicants (students taking classes at UB and current employees) with login and password for MyUB: use the internal applicant link, log into My UB, then click the “View or Apply for Job Positions” link on the left.

UB is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/ADA Compliant Employer & Title IX Institution.


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