- Full-Time
- Greensboro, NC
- Guilford County Schools
- Posted 3 years ago – Accepting applications
Job Description
- JobID: 27980 Position Type:
- Go to NCDHHS website and review video tutorials:
- Obtain NCID (NC Identity Management Service):
- Begin CBC application process:
- You will need to enter your addresses for the past 5 years. If you have lived out-of-state in the past 5 years, a person from DHHS will email you with information about how to apply for each state’s background check. This may involve additional costs. Be sure to print your receipt for reimbursement if hired.
- At end of CBC application, you will be asked to pay $26.50 fee with credit card (Visa or MasterCard only). Be sure to print your receipt for reimbursement if hired.
- Once application is complete, within 7 days you need to get your fingerprints LIVESCAN. Be sure to take your valid ID and $10 cash. Be sure to print your receipt for reimbursement if hired.
- LIVESCAN fingerprinting options (click on link for locations and times):
- Greensboro Police DepartmentGuilford County SherriffHigh Point Police Department
- Once your CBC application and fingerprinting is complete, you will receive an email from the DHHS CBC Portal with your results - you will need to log in with your NCID.
- If cleared, you will receive a letter stating you are QUALIFIED under the NC Child Care Act.
- This letter must be uploaded to your GCS application before you can be approved by Human Resources to begin work.
Classified - Teacher Assistant/Classroom Support/Teacher Assistant
Date Posted:
Date Available:
Fair Labor Standards Act Classification: Non-Exempt
Position Term: 10 month
Classification: Continuing
Time Basis: Full-Time
Position Type: Classified
Benefits: Full
Starting Salary: $13.00 per hour
Pay Grade: 54 10 Hour/Salary Schedule
Master Salary Schedule
PRE-K programs are licensed by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and require an additional Criminal Background Check (CBC):
If you are selected for this position, you must complete the following: