Weights & Measures Technician/Inspector Details

County of Ventura, CA - Ventura, CA

Employment Type : Full-Time


Under direct to general supervision depending on the level, inspects and tests weighing and measuring devices and declared weights and volume of packaged goods; throughout the County; enforces Weights and Measures laws; and performs related duties as required.

At the Technician level the ideal candidate will have a bachelor's degree in a related field and the ability to obtain at least one (1) California Department of Food and Agriculture County Weights and Measure Inspector licenses. The candidate will possess a strong understanding of mathematics, physics, and technical equipment; as well as, knowledge of inspection and testing techniques used in the field of weights and measures enforcement. The candidate will also have the ability to interpret and apply provisions of laws, regulations and county ordinances relating to weights and measures; be detail oriented, deal tactfully with persons contacted on enforcement matters; establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with others. The ideal candidate will have strong written and oral communication skills, including the ability to verbally explain complex technical or regulatory requirements.

Distinguishing Characteristics:

RMA Tech-Weights & Measures is the entry level into the Weights and Measures Inspector series. It is distinguished from other RMA Technician classifications in that it is assigned tasks solely focused on weights and measures inspection.

Weights & Measures Inspector I and II differs from RMA Technician-Weights and Measures in that Inspector work assignments are more complex and require at least one (I) to three (II) valid Weights and Measures licenses.

Approximate Salaries:
RMA Tech-Weights & Measures: $23.32 - $32.57 / hour
Weights & Measures Inspector I: $23.15 - $32.87 / hour
Weights & Measures Inspector II: $24.18 - $34.45 / hour


Incumbents may be eligible for an educational incentive of 2.5%, 3.5%, or 5% based on completion of an Associate's, Bachelor's, or Master's degree that is not required for the classification. Incumbents may also be eligible for bilingual incentive depending upon operational need and certification of skill.

AGENCY/DEPARTMENT: Resource Management Agency

RMA Tech-Weights & Measures and Weights and Measures Inspector I/II are represented by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and are eligible for overtime compensation.

Examples Of Duties

Duties may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Inspects and tests weighing and measuring devices in industrial plants, markets, packaging and processing plants, service stations and other locations where such equipment is used commercially for compliance with standards set forth in the California Business and Professions Code and the California Code of Regulations relating to proper installation, approved equipment, proper use and accuracy.
  • Inspects labeling and advertising for accuracy and proper statement of weight, measure or count.
  • Seals devices inspected and tested and issues certificates of inspection.
  • Maintains records and prepares reports.
  • Plans and conducts undercover test purchases, test sales, both routine and complaint based.
  • Orders repairs or condemns and confiscates equipment or products that fail to meet requirements.
  • Inspects packaged goods to determine their compliance with net content requirement.
  • Samples and tests gasolines, oils and lubricants to ensure their compliance with laws.
  • Performs other related duties as required.
At the Inspector I/II level:
  • May train and provide assistance to subordinates in difficult testing procedures and situations.

Typical Qualifications

These are entrance requirements to the examination process and assure neither continuance in the process nor placement on an eligible list.


RMA Tech-Weights & Measures: Some experience or education which has led to the acquisition of the required knowledge, skills and abilities. The required knowledge, skills and abilities also can be obtained by one of four options pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 3, Agriculture Section 108, Article 1, County Weights and Measures Inspectors:
  • Possession of one or more valid statewide specific category licenses as a County Weights and Measures Inspector or County Agricultural Inspector/Biologist; OR
  • Possession of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited four (4) year college or equivalent education course credits from an accredited college with specialization in:a. One or more appropriate disciplines in Chemical or Physical Science, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, or other job-related majors such as Law Enforcement, Commerce, or Marketing, as determined by the Secretary of California Department of Food and Agriculture; OR
    b. Any discipline with a minimum of 30 semester units or 45 quarter units, or equivalent in one or any combination of the following disciplines: Chemical Science, Commerce, Engineering, Law Enforcement, Marketing, Mathematics, Physical Science, Physics, and/or Statistics.
  • The educational requirements may be satisfied if specialized requirements of the Bachelor's degree include any combination of one or more of these disciplines totaling at least 30 semester units, or equivalent, or may be satisfied through additional college level education, or combination thereof.
  • Provided that the candidate possesses a minimum of 30 semester units, or equivalent in one or any combination of the above specified disciplines, experience in one or more of the following may be substituted for up to two (2) years of college on a year-for-year basis (equivalent to 30 semester units):
    • Enforcement of weights and measures or agricultural laws,
    • The inspection, maintenance, repair or installation of weighting or measuring instruments or equipment,
    • Consumer protection or resolution of consumer complaints in a public or private consumer affairs agency,
    • Law enforcement or investigation work in a federal, state or local jurisdiction, OR
    • Responsible quality or quantity control work in the production of consumer commodities. This experience must have been at a level comparable to a county weights and measures inspector or county agricultural inspector/biologist.

Weights & Measures Inspector I: Some experience with weights and measures inspection which has led to the acquisition of the required knowledge and abilities. The required knowledge and abilities also can be obtained by completion of a Bachelor's degree in a related field and one year of related experience.

Weights & Measures Inspector II: Some experience with weights and measures inspection which has led to the acquisition of the required knowledge and abilities. The required knowledge and abilities also can be obtained by completion of a Bachelor's degree in a related field and two years of related experience.

Necessary Special Requirements:
RMA Tech-Weights & Measures:
  • Must possess and maintain a valid California Class C driver license.
  • Required to travel within Ventura County to conduct inspections.
  • Within one (1) year must obtain at least one (1) of the three (3) County Weights & Measures Inspector licenses issued by the State of California, Department of Food and Agriculture:
    • Weight Verification;
    • Measurement Verification; or
    • Transaction and Product Verification.
Weights & Measures Inspector I/II:
  • Requires at least one (Inspector I) to two (Inspector II) licenses issued by the State of California for Weight Verification, Measurement Verification and/or Transaction and Product Verification.
  • Must possess and maintain a valid California Class C driver license. A Class B license may also be required depending on the assignment.
  • Required to travel within Ventura County to conduct inspections.

  • Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Biological or Physical Science, Business, Criminal Justice or a Weights & Measures related field.
  • Possession of one or more valid statewide County Weights & Measures Inspector Licenses.
  • Experience operating mechanical, or technical equipment, preferably related to Weights and Measures
  • Ability to interpret, apply, and explain complex laws, regulations and rules related to Weights and Measures programs.
  • Can problem-solve, prioritize, multi-task, and is detail oriented.
  • Strong organizational skills.
  • Demonstrates initiative, drive and energy.
  • Public contact experience communicating with tact, courtesy and diplomacy
  • Possesses excellent communication skills, both orally and in writing.
  • Demonstrated experience in preparing clear and concise written materials, including correspondence and reports.
  • Proficient using Microsoft Office Suite.

Working Conditions/Physical Demands:

Weights and Measures inspections are performed primarily at off-site locations. Inspections may require a moderate degree of physical exertion including lifting and carrying up to 50 pounds; bending; stooping; climbing; crouching; reaching; kneeling; and manual dexterity.

RMA Tech-Weights & Measures: Some knowledge of basic principles of installation, operation and testing of commercially used weighing and measuring devices.

Skilled in organizing work or projects in an efficient manner; basic computer skills to produce email, reports, spreadsheets, correspondence and data entry.

Some ability to read, understand, interpret and apply complex technical materials such as laws, regulations and rules related to weights and measures programs; quickly learn use of weighing and measuring devices in various businesses and effectively use investigative techniques; strong written and oral communication skills, including the ability to verbally explain complex technical or regulatory information; apply complex concepts of mathematics and physics during inspections; use complex mechanical and technical equipment; and establish and maintain effective relationships with the public and coworkers.

Weights & Measures Inspector I/II: Some to working knowledge (depending on level in series) of County, state, and federal laws pertaining to Weights and Measures tests and inspections; basic principles of installation, operation, and testing of commercially used weighing and measuring devices.

Some to working ability (depending on level in series) to quickly learn use of weighing and measuring devices in various businesses; effectively use investigative techniques; gain compliance with laws and to establish and maintain cooperative relations with the public and other employees.

Recruitment Process

FINAL FILING DATE: Continuous and may close at any time; therefore, apply as soon as possible if you are interested in it. Your application must be received by the County of Ventura Human Resources in Ventura, California, no later than 5:00 p.m. on the closing date.

FIRST REVIEW: A first review of applications is anticipated to occur on or around January 27, 2021 and subsequent reviews may be conducted until sufficient applications are received to meet business needs.

To apply on-line, please refer to our web site at www.ventura.org/jobs. If you prefer to fill out a paper application form, please call (805) 654-5129 for application materials and submit them to County of Ventura Human Resources, 800 South Victoria Avenue, L-1970, Ventura, CA 93009.

NOTE: If presently permanently employed in another "merit" or "civil service" public agency/entity in the same or substantively similar position as is advertised, and if appointed to that position by successful performance in a "merit" or "civil service" style examination, then appointment by "Lateral Transfer" may be possible. If interested, please click here (Download PDF reader) for additional information.

Note to Applicants: It is essential that you complete all sections of your application and supplemental questionnaire thoroughly and accurately to demonstrate your qualifications. A resume and/or other related documents may be attached to supplement the information in your application and supplemental questionnaire; however, it/they may not be submitted in lieu of the application.

SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE - qualifying: All applicants are required to complete and submit the questionnaire for this examination AT THE TIME OF FILING. The supplemental questionnaire may be used throughout the examination process to assist in determining each applicant's qualifications and acceptability for the position. Failure to complete and submit the questionnaire may result in removal of the application from further consideration.

APPLICATION EVALUATION - qualifying: All applications will be reviewed to determine whether or not the stated requirements are met. Those individuals meeting the stated requirements will be invited to continue to the next step in the screening and selection process.

TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EVALUATION: A Training and Experience Evaluation (T&E) is a structured evaluation of the job application materials submitted by a candidate, including the written responses to the supplemental questionnaire. The T&E is NOT a determination of whether the candidate meets the stated requirements; rather, the T&E is one method for determining who are the better qualified among those who have shown that they meet the stated requirements. In a T&E, applications are either scored or rank ordered according to criteria that most closely meet the business needs of the department. Candidates are typically scored/ranked in relation to one another; consequently, when the pool of candidates is exceptionally strong, many qualified candidates may receive a score or rank which is moderate or even low resulting in them not being advanced in the process.

NOTE: In a typical T&E, your training and experience are evaluated in relation to the background, experience and factors identified for successful job performance during a job analysis. For this reason, it is recommended that your application materials clearly show your relevant background and specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities. It is also highly recommended that the supplemental questions within the application are completed with care and diligence. Responses such as "See Resume" or "Refer to Resume" are not acceptable and may disqualify an applicant from further evaluation. Applicants must earn a score of seventy percent (70%) or higher to qualify for placement on the eligible list.

If there are three (3) or fewer qualified applicants, a T&E will not be conducted. Instead, a score of seventy percent (70%) will be assigned to each application, and each applicant will be placed on the eligible list.

Candidates successfully completing the examination process may be placed on an eligible list for up to a period of one (1) year. The eligible list established from this recruitment may be used to fill current and future Regular (including Temporary, Fixed-Term), Intermittent, and Extra Help this and similar vacancies within the Resource Management Agency. There is currently one (1) Regular vacancy within the Code Compliance Division, Weights & Measures Section.

BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION: A thorough pre-employment, post offer background investigation which may include inquiry into past employment, education, criminal background information and driving record is required for this position.

For further information about this recruitment, please contact Kim Mariscal by email at kim.mariscal@ventura.org or by telephone at (805) 654-2479.

Posted on : 4 years ago