Employment Type : Full-Time
We are looking for a motivated and organized Web Developer that can help us deliver delightful experiences to our buyers and sellers, as well as improve and streamline business processes. “Going once! Going twice! Going three times! Sold!” This language, or something similar, is being heard more and more throughout the country as deeds to real estate are transferred from party to party. Utilized for many years in the rural sector, the auction method of selling real property is fast coming of age in the metropolitan areas. In the past, auction was considered a line of last resort. It is now being recognized by many as the most efficient, effective, and profitable method of marketing real estate. Also, the perception that only distressed property is sold at auction is fast disappearing. Throughout the land, large quantities of high dollar residential, agricultural, commercial and industrial property are being sold at auction. McCurdy Auction, LLC has been selling homes, farms, commercial, and personal property at public auction since its inception in 1982. We are licensed real estate brokers and auctioneers, in Kansas, Colorado Missouri, and Oklahoma.
Desired Skills
Other Skills