Employment Type : Full-Time
*ONLINE HIRING EVENT* Locate Technician Positions Available USIC is one of the nation's fastest growing underground utility locating companies. We have full-time Locate Technician positions available in DuPage County. The starting pay is $18.00 per hour. Prior locating experience is not required! Take the first step toward starting your locating career and join us at our upcoming online hiring event: Interviews by Appointment Only If you are unable to attend our hiring event, please apply online at www.workatusic.com. For technical assistance, please contact our Recruiting Center at 407-480-5545. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. S2JF
Tuesday, January 19th
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Online Event using Zoom
Visit usicllc.eventbrite.com to learn more & register for an appointment to attend this event!