Employment Type : Full-Time
Overview: Do you love helping others? Are you a sales and customer service superstar who wants to use your powers for good? Do you want to be part of a community of caregivers committed to helping people feel their best? If the answer is "yes," we want you on our team at Massage Envy Eastchase. Massage Envy is the leader in accessible massage and skin care. As a sales and customer service associate at our Pensacola franchised location, you'll join a wellness community that's 35,000 strong. And you have a meaningful role to play as you: As a team, we're committed to delivering an excellent experience every time and growing our member base to help more people on their wellness journey. Your role in our mission is converting guests to members, retaining members, driving retail sales, and delivering an amazing experience. This includes: We only succeed together, so we're looking for people with the passion and experience to be amazing. Those who thrive in this role are: We're excited to hear from everyone with the skills, experience, and passion to do a great job. We do not unlawfully discriminate against any applicants or employees on any applicable legally protected basis, including race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. If you're ready to put your amazing sales and customer service skills to work to help people feel their best, we can't wait to meet you.
Help clients understand the benefits of regular massage, skin care and stretch.
Here's what's in it for you:
The rewards of the job go beyond the difference you'll make in the lives of members and guests. We offer a culture of care that inspires you to be your best with:
What We'll Accomplish Together:
What it Takes to Succeed:
Providing outstanding customer service by greeting clients upon arrival, scheduling services, answering phone calls, addressing questions and concerns, protecting client confidentiality, and maintaining a safe and therapeutic environment for everyone in our location.
Sales superstars who aren't afraid to take the lead in connecting clients to memberships, services, and retail products to support the mission of total body care. Bonus points for previous retail or sales experience.
We Believe Our Differences Make Us Better
Massage Envy Franchising, LLC (“MEF”) is a national franchisor of independently owned and operated franchised locations. Each individual franchised location, not MEF or any of its affiliates, is the sole employer for all positions posted by a franchised location, and each individual franchised location is not acting as an agent for MEF or any of its affiliates. Hiring criteria, benefits and compensation are set by each individually owned and operated franchised location and may vary from location to location.