Employment Type : Full-Time
Earn an additional $0.70-$2.40 per hour with Team Tips! Whatever your goals when you arrive here, Panera is a place where you have every opportunity to become your best. Cashiers are our service personnel who make that critical first impression with customers. They take orders and payment and strive to meet our customers’ needs and satisfaction. They execute a variety of other tasks and support their teammates where needed. Cashiers can be PT or FT.
Join Panera Bread – Ranked #2 by Fast Company for Most Innovative Dining Companies in 2021!
Restaurant Team Member - CASHIER
Being a Cashier:
Our Requirements:
Choose Panera For:
Panera Bread operates 363 days/year. Work schedules are written to meet business needs. Indicate your exact availability to work on the Employment Application. Thank you!
Equal Opportunity Employer