PT Package Dispatch Supervisor Details


Employment Type : Full-Time

Position Part Time Dispatch Supervisor


The role of the part time dispatch supervisor is to assist the package dispatch supervisor (PDS). This assistance is comprised of dispatch analysis work and performing daily routine tasks that support the dispatch and preload team. The position reports directly to the package dispatch supervisor and is responsible for analysis of the dispatch plan and identifying areas of opportunities. Additional responsibilities include report publication and service audits.


1. Start work routine

2. Import historical information into DPS

3. Not in System (NIS) previous day’s resolution

4. Analyze previous day’s dispatch using dispatch tools and reports

5. Data correction status check

6. Publication and distribution of DMS and PAS Toolbox reports

7. Publication and distribution of CRS reports

8. Missed package research and resolution

9. Update PWOR

10. Utilize EPD to perform Add/Cuts prior to the start of the preload operation


1. Start work routine

  • Verify DIAD download has completed
  • Print (DCS) air exception report and highlight service failures created by preload
  • Distribute report

2. Not in System (NIS) previous day’s resolution

  • PrintNISreport from DMS
  • Resolve all packages on report
  • Make necessary changes to DPS (territory and services)
  • Communicate changes to PDS

3. Analyze previous dispatch plan and execution using dispatch tools and reports

  • Utilizing mapping tools, DPS and Driver Mapping
  • Plot previous GD2 data; compare actual dispatch to planned dispatch.
  • Identify opportunities and communicate to PDS
  • Maintain a loop analysis add a line to ensure periodic analysis of all loops
  • Utilize available reports from the PFT website

4. Data Correction status check

  • Check on data correction status
  • All records in queue will be completed prior to sort
  • Assist as needed, depending on volume fluctuations

5. Publication and distribution of DMS and PAS Toolbox reports

  • Print
  • Highlight exceptions
  • Distribution

6. Publication of CRS reports

  • Print
  • Highlight exceptions
  • Distribution

7. Missed package research and resolution

  • Using PAS Toolbox “Missed Package Report” and missed packages left from PM operation research and identify root cause of all service failures. Work with part time data supervisor to resolve “unknown” service issues in DPS and AMS.
  • Service Provider
  • Loader
  • Data Acquisition
  • Scan, Print and Apply
  • Data Corrections
  • Flips
  • Ambiguous matches
  • Customer – EPD inaccuracy
  • Communicate and distribute recap of service issues
  • Update DPS has needed

11. Complete automated controlled dispatch audit - one a month

12. Update PWOR

13. Utilize EPD to perform Add/Cuts prior to start of preload operation

Core Competencies

  • Organizational Skills – Able to manage time, processes, and achieve results throughout the operation.
  • Analytical Skills – Able to identify potential opportunities.
  • Technology Skills – Knowledge of all center systems will aide in the success of the overall analysis, planning and execution effectiveness.


Completion of the OMS Training & Development Program including:

Dispatch Planning System and UDC knowledge

Controlled Dispatch andLoopPrinciples


Preferably attending school

Critical Skills


Customer Focus





Planning and Organization

Critical System Skills

Key entry skills

MS Office, Excel

Package flow technologies


Center systems


Dispatch Tools

DPS and Driver Mapping

UPS is an equal opportunity employer. UPS does not discriminate on the basis of race/color/religion/sex/national origin/veteran/disability/age/sexual orientation/gender identity or any other characteristic protected by law

Posted on : 4 years ago