Employment Type : Full-Time
Do you have a passion to provide meaningful contributions to your community? Would you like to be part of an organization whose central mission is helping to protect, stabilize and strengthen the lives of South Carolina's children, families, and vulnerable adults? If so, the SC Department of Social Services has the right job opportunity for you! A Bachelor's Degree and three (3) years of professional experience in social services programs, correctional, education, business administration, general administrative management, or relevant program experience. This application for employment with the SC Department of Social Services must be completed in its entirety. A resume may be included; but shall not be substituted in lieu of the completion of this application in part or in whole. "See Resume" is not acceptable information for the completion of any part of the requirements of this application. If such is submitted, this employment application will be considered incomplete and may not be forwarded as eligible for consideration to hiring managers.
We're looking for an enthusiastic Program Coordinator II for our Low Country Region to assist in managing the day-to-day operation of the regional Child Care Licensing office.
The Program Coordinator II assists the Regional Supervisor in the day-to-day operation of the regional Child Care Licensing office to include enforcing the new law requiring visits to FCCH on a yearly basis. Provides direction and guidance for inter-rater reliability, staff training, complex program issues, and complaint resolution as mentor/anchor for program reviewers. Conducts program designs and reviews of service providers assigned to ensure provider compliance with all applicable service standards and federal and state laws. Program review tools include program observation, interviews and records reviews Serves as trouble shooter for complex service problems and resolution of complaints. Prepares management reports to provide feedback and recommendations based on provider problems/needs.
Interprets and implement policies, regulations and laws regarding Family Child Care Homes providers when conducting annual unannounced inspections to those homes, as well as interpreting the policies for other categories of care, including child care centers, public schools and Group Child Care Homes. Conducts special projects as assigned to enhance the statewide service delivery system for providers and clients; prepares and presents reports on assigned projects.
Hires and trains new employees to include the new positions designated to conduct annual inspections of Family Child Care Homes. Conducts annual EPMS evaluations on newly acquired FTE positions. Conducts on-the-job training on all new employees, conducts case reviews with staff, responds to legal issues and coordinates those findings with the Central Office.
Conducts planning activities to set priorities, goals and objectives for the program review process of total child care system. Develops procedures, standards, philosophies, definitions, and criteria for all Child Care providers.
All South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) Employees are expected to Adopt, Implement, and Promote the Published Mission, Vision, and Guiding Principles, While Employed by the Agency.
A Master's Degree and two (2) year of professional experience in social services programs, correctional, education, business administration, general administrative management, or relevant program experience.
Knowledge of laws, regulations, policies and procedures relevant to the area of employment. Ability to exercise judgment and discretion. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships. Ability to interpret and apply laws, regulations, policies and procedures. Ability to communicate effectively.
Requires laptop/tablet PC use with program-specific software/databases, onsite monitoring (entering private homes, riding vans, stooping), ability to make independent on-site decisions, effect immediate problem resolution. Requires schedule coordination, telephone use, in and out-of-state travel (including air and solitary travel), overtime as necessary. Must posses a valid driver's license.
If you certify, by completion and submission of this application, that you possess educational credentials that qualify you for the available DSS positions, you will be required to provide a certified official transcript, if you are selected for job offer.
DIVISION: Child Care Licensing / Charleston County