Employment Type : Full-Time
RN (Registered Nurse - $31/hr with shift differential) LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse - $27/hr with shift differential) BriteLife is a comprehensive substance abuse treatment facility similarly designed to existing high-end facilities yet is affordable enough for Middle America. The protocol is a unique opportunity for recovery and lifestyle change with a proven mind, body, and spirit approach, with experiential and customized to each patient’s needs. We will provide all this without the pitfalls of metropolitan areas and ease of access to narcotics or any mind-altering substances. This is the first site to offer a co-morbidity approach, blended with both proven 12 step and non 12 step intense therapy protocols to treatment. Utilizing the medical model and focusing on a truly medical/therapeutic approach to treating addiction and alcoholism. BriteLife will be the leader in the industry and will set a new standard for treatment and medical protocols at a higher level of client care than previously approached. Duties Include: Requirements/Qualifications: an Equal Opportunity Employer