Employment Type : Full-Time
THIS IS A JOB IN THE US. ARMY! You must be a U.S. citizen or a Permanent Resident(Green Card holder). You must be 17-34 years old You must be in good physical condition You must have a clean legal record You must have a high school diploma or GED Some positions may have additional qualifications. JOB DUTIES * Training Some of the skills you’ll learn are: Helpful Skills Required ASVAB Score(s) Clerical (CL): 90 * Job Types: Full-time, Part-time, Contract Pay: $1,800.00 - $3,800.00 per month Benefits: Schedule: Supplemental Pay: COVID-19 considerations: Education: Typical start time: Typical end time: This Job Is Ideal for Someone Who Is: Company's website: Company's Facebook page: COVID-19 Precaution(s):
Job training for a medical logistics specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and six weeks of Advanced Individual Training, including practice in handling and storing stock.
Learn more about the ASVAB and see what jobs you could qualify for.
Total compensation includes housing, medical, food, special pay, and vacation time. Learn more about total compensation.
Earn Cash For In Demand Jobs
You could earn up to $40,000 in cash bonuses just for enlisting under certain Military Occupational Specialties. Visit Jobs in Demand to see if this job qualifies for an enlistment bonus.
Future Civilian Careers
The skills you’ll learn will help prepare you for a career as a stock control clerk, parts clerk or storekeeper with factories, repair shops, department stores, and government warehouses and stockrooms.
Those interested in this job may be eligible for civilian employment, after the Army, by enrolling in the Army PaYS program. The PaYS program is a recruitment option that guarantees a job interview with military friendly employers that are looking for experienced and trained Veterans to join their organization. Find out more about the Army PaYS Program at http://www.armypays.com.
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