Employment Type : Full-Time
STOP BY OUR OFFICE! Tues Through Friday 10:30am -1:00pm! Are you a Home Health Aide and or a CNA? Maybe you have PCA experience or Homemaking experience? Contact Active Home Care! We have full time hours and or Part time hours for Home Health Aides! Have you worked as a HHA, CNA, PC or Homemaker in the skilled nursing industry or maybe you worked as a Home Health Aide in a Home Care or hospital setting. We only hiring the BEST Homemakers, HOME HEALTH AIDES, CNA's & PCA's! Do you want to work for a company that appreciates their employees? Do you want to feel valued, thanked, respected and recognized for your hard work and dedication? Are you tired of driving to several towns in one day? At Active Home Care, we have you work in two towns only. DON'T spend your time driving all day! When you work at Active Home Care as a Homemaker, Home Health Aide, CNA or PCA, we make sure you know how much we value & appreciate you! Active Home Care only HIRES THE BEST OF BEST Home Health Aides! If you're not the BEST, no need to apply. We cover every South Shore town. We have clients throughout Plymouth County, Bristol County and Cape Cod too! We have day shifts, night shifts & weekend shifts, Let us know what works best for you and we will make a great schedule for you! Remember if you're not the BEST Home Health Aide, CNA, Homemaker and or PCA, please do not apply. Full-time, Part-time and weekend shifts are available! Let us make a schedule that works for you! Job Types: Full-time, Part-time Pay: $15.00 per hour Benefits: Medical Specialty: Schedule: Education: Experience: Work Location: Hours per week: Employer type: Typical start time: Typical end time: Relocation Assistance Provided: This Job Is: Company's website: Benefit Conditions: COVID-19 Precaution(s):