Executive Director, CIPCRPI Details

Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology - Remote

Employment Type : Full-Time

Executive Director of the Center for Infection Prevention & Control Research, Practice & Innovation (CIPCRPI)

The Center for Infection Prevention & Control Research, Practice & Innovation (CIPCRPI) is the first interdisciplinary institute dedicated to the advancement of infection prevention and control across the continuum of healthcare and non-healthcare centers. The only Center of its kind is housed within the Association for Professionals in Infection Control & Epidemiology and stands at the confluence of research and practice. The center will serve as a leading voice in the use of implementation science and human factors research to answer the difficult questions that arise from the practice of infection prevention and control. Simultaneously, the center seeks to improve the practice of IPC through the creation of best practices, practice guidance and guidelines. The Center will unite scholars and policymakers from various fields in a multi-disciplinary conversation on some of the most challenging issues of our time.

CIPCRPI seeks to recruit an experienced infection preventionist with a background that is both academic and practice oriented. The Executive Director will oversee and direct all of CIPCRPI ‘s operations and will serve as a hands-on leader in the development and implementation of research and practice functions. Reporting to APIC’s CEO, the Executive Director will be responsible for coordinating an annual research symposium, engaging in roundtables on key issues, and supporting the research components of the APIC annual conference and cleaning, disinfecting and sterilization conferences. The Executive Director will be of CERL will be responsible for CERL’s two annual roundtable conferences and additional one-day public events, as well as engage in communications, marketing, and assist in fundraising of CIPCRPI ‘s programs and activities.

The Executive Director will also seek to establish an internship and scholar-in-residence program, as well as build linkages with research institutions throughout the United States and internationally.

The Executive Director’s responsibilities include:

Research & Practice Programming and Scholarship

  • Collaborating with education team, develop and conceptualize conference topics, research agenda, and intellectual content of CIPCRPI’s programs and publications.
  • Manage CIPCRPI ‘s internship and scholar-in-residence program. Spearhead the identification, selection, training and management of interns and scholars.
  • In collaboration with the APIC Research Committee, develop a research agenda for the field of IPC and a specific research agenda that APIC will establish annually. Lead in-house research staff and coordinate with external authors in the publication of reports.
  • Lead the analysis and dissemination of original research
  • In concert with germane APIC committees, lead the development and updating to APIC best practices, guidance and guidelines
  • Establish a methodology to coordinate cross-institutional research and build a network with germane external researchers

External Relations

  • Lead CIPCRPI ‘s growth and influence with an ambitious reputational campaign. Compose and publish original content to further CIPCRPI’s visibility and raise awareness to its mission and activities, including developing and implementing content for the website, blogging, engaging in social media and outreach. Coordinate with the communications team on the development of a strategy for publicizing CIPCRPI research, events, and internships and scholars-in-residence programs.
  • Author briefing papers for dissemination to a wide variety of practitioners for impactful communication of CIPCRPI ‘s advice and proposed intervention on a variety of key IPC issues.
  • Represent APIC in contacting and arranging the participation of high-level academics, business people, military personnel, and lawyers from around the country and the globe.
  • Facilitate the process of building bridges to faculty in other parts of the University, policymakers, and legal and industry professionals with interests related to CIPCRPI.


  • Support APIC’s fundraising for research and practice through the identification of possible funding vehicles and the active development of solicitations.
  • Draft grant proposals and program description for dissemination to potential funders. Provide analytical support for funding applications to Foundations and Federal Agencies, working in collaboration with the Business Development team.
  • Represent CIPCRPI and its programs and research to funders and prospective funders. Identify and implement new ways to enhance CIPCRPI’s relationships with existing funding sources.


  • Oversee all daily operations of CIPCRPI, including calendaring and event planning, website management, and publications scheduling.
  • Manage all aspects of CERL’s annual budget.
  • Hire and manage staff, interns/work study students.

Requirements of the position :
  • Ph.D. degree in a healthcare background (e.g. public health, nursing, medical) is required
  • Demonstrated ability to engage in writing for an academic audience
  • Strong scholarly track record is required.
  • Excellent organization and communication skills, both written and oral, as well as ability to coordinate multiple projects simultaneously in a timely manner.
  • Established track record as collaborator in the workplace, within the immediate department and within a larger institution.
  • Experience representing a sophisticated organization in a variety of public and internal forums.
  • Fundraising and/or grant experience is highly valued.

APIC is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.

Posted on : 2 years ago