Employment Type : Full-Time
Stamford Health is committed to preventing the spread of infectious diseases and cares about your health and the health of our employees. To that end, if you are invited to interview in one of our offices/campuses, and you or a member of your family and/or significant other is experiencing symptoms (i.e. fever, coughing or other respiratory symptoms), or you simply don’t feel well, please inform the HR Representative immediately so we may schedule your interview for a later date. When arriving on our campus or site whether for an interview or to begin your employment with us, please note it is imperative you abide by CT State Guidelines on Travel Advisory which can be found here https://portal.ct.gov/Coronavirus/Travel. Please schedule accordingly and update your HR Representative immediately to make any necessary arrangements/adjustments to scheduling. For on-site interviews, candidates are requested to wear a medical face mask (not cloth) due to Stamford Health's universal masking policy. About Stamford Health Stamford Health is a non-profit independent healthcare system with more than 3,500 employees committed to compassionately caring for the community and offering a wide-range of high-quality health and wellness services. Patients and their families can rely on comprehensive person-centered care through the system’s 305-bed Stamford Hospital; Stamford Health Medical Group, with more than 30 offices in lower Fairfield County offering primary and specialty care; a growing number of ambulatory locations across the region; and support through the Stamford Hospital Foundation. Stamford Health is also a major teaching affiliate of the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dedicated to being the community’s most trusted healthcare partner, Stamford Health puts patients first to build long-lasting relationships. For more information, visit StamfordHealth.org. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, YouTube, and Linked In. This is a 15 hours/week position. Mon-Fri 4pm-7pm OR 5pm-8pm with remote work after training. JOB SUMMARY: Under General Supervision, the Radiology Central Scheduling Representative will provide centralized answering services to schedule medical procedures and/or appointments within the Stamford Health System. This position will act as the first “welcome” to the caller. In addition to scheduling medical appointments and/or procedures, the Radiology Central Scheduling Representative will also perform duties including, but not limited to fielding patient inquires, concerns, and requests. The Radiology Central Scheduling Representative will instill loyalty by anticipating patient needs, displaying genuine interest, and providing accurate and efficient service to all patient and customer callers. As appropriate, the position will elicit required patient information and inquiries and follow established protocols to schedule patient medical procedures and/or appointments within the Stamford Health System. He/she will ensure that patients’ needs are met and promote the optimum Patient Experience. The Radiology Central Scheduling Representative will establish and maintain effective relationships with patients and/or their families via active listening, empathy, rapport, courtesy, respect and professionalism. MAJOR ACCOUNTABILITIES/CRITICAL RESPONSIBILITIES:
Required Skills
Required Experience