Catholic Religious Education Coordinator Details

Music Ministry International - F E Warren AFB, WY

Employment Type : Full-Time

The successful candidate for this position will be a 1099 contractor with Music Ministry International and be responsible for the following:

1. Contract Position and Title. Catholic Religious Education Coordinator (CRE)

2. Scope of Responsibilities. The CRE shall assist the Roman Catholic Priest in the administration of the parish office and to attend to the facilitating of parish and chapel processes and procedures. The CRE shall coordinate and train parish catechists for first level certification and to prepare and coordinate the entire youth and adult catechetical programs including sacramental preparation. The CRE shall coordinate and develop the Catholic Religious Education (RE) program of F. E. Warren.

3. Education and Experience Requirement. The CRE must:

3.1. Be at least 18 years of age and hold a high school diploma.

3.2. Have at least 2 years experience and familiarity with Catholic programs.

3.3. Possess relevant training and education (ministry related field), have experience working within a volunteer-based Catholic RE.

3.4 Have the ability to communicate effectively, efficiently organize, and manage diverse program elements.

3.5. Have current Arch Diocese of the Military Services (AMS) Basic Minimum Certification for Coordinator of RE or fulfill the AMS Basic Minimum Certification requirements and obtain the certification within 9 months of the award of the contract. (Requirements can be found at )

3.6. Furnish resume including academic and work related references (i.e. Catholic churches, schools).

3.7. Pass a background investigation. This includes the following: Personal/Security Questionnaire, National Security Agency Check Questionnaire, Background Check Permission Slip (Name, SSN, Signature) and fingerprinting (completed by 90 SFS/SFAR). DODI 1402.5, 19 Jan 93

4. General Responsibilities. The service shall be performed in accordance with standard religious education practices, parish coordination practices, and this Statement of Work. The CRE shall:

4.1. Be familiar and provide services in accordance with Air Force, Chaplain Corps, and F. E. Warren policy, guidance, and instruction governing provision of services.

4.2. Be able to work cooperatively in an interfaith setting with chaplains, staff and parishioners of varied and diverse religious backgrounds.

4.3. Act as the point of contact for all parish and religious education and administrative requirements. Maintain all files with all pertinent information for all major parish (e.g. parish picnics, appreciation dinners, Lenten activities, retreats, parish council meetings, etc.) and religious education activities.

4.4. Schedule, plan and conduct special programs. Special programs include but are not limited to a Parish Appreciation Event, and maintaining the Catholic Library Collection.

4.5. Work with the Wing Chaplain and the Catholic Priest in implementing the total Catholic RE program. Maintain all files with all pertinent information for all major RE activities.

4.6. Maintain office hours at Bldg 212 at least 3 days during the week, between the hours of 0730-1630.

5. Specific Responsibilities. The CRE shall:

5.1. Maintain religious education enrollment and weekly attendance reports. Consolidates weekly attendance reports using local or Air Force form for Individual Religious Education Enrollment and Registration Record. Contacts the parents/guardians of the student’s absent for three or more consecutive classes.

5.2. Ensure that all volunteers in the religious education program have undergone mandatory background records check(s) as directed by DoDI 1402.5 Criminal History Background Checks on Individuals in Child Care Service.

5.3. Recruit, train, equip, and assign the religious education teaching staff and volunteers. Review professional religious education curricula and disseminate relevant materials to the teaching staff.

5.4 Select and submit the RE curriculum order for the following academic year after determining curriculum needs in turn through the Catholic Priest, Deputy Wing Chaplain and the Wing Chaplain.

5.5. Attend the F. E. Warren AFB Chapel weekly staff meeting and report on the status of Catholic Religious Education.

5.6. Attend the F. E. Warren AFB scheduled Catholic Parish Advisory Council meetings.

5.7. Open and secure the chapel building and other facilities used for RE activities as necessary when Chaplain and Chaplain Assistant are not on duty.

5.8. Evaluate, select and procure Vacation Bible School (VBS) curriculum, recruit and train the VBS teachers and other support staff, publicize the event, coordinate supply needs, plan and accomplish VBS in cooperation with the local diocese and chapel staff.

5.9. Prepare publicity concerning the Catholic RE program for the F. E. Warren Chapel in base publications and off-base newspapers, etc. Proposed publicity must be coordinated in turn through the Deputy Wing Chaplain and the Wing Chaplain prior to submission to the appropriate agency.

5.10. Prepare and submit a Catholic RE CTOF annual budget not later than 1 May for the upcoming fiscal year.

5.11. Coordinate logistical needs for Catholic RE. Be familiar with CTOF AFI 52-105 Vol. 2 and Vol. 3. Submit requests through the CTOF Account Manager. Submit CTOF purchase order request using AF Form 4356.

5.12. Process F. E. Warren AFB Chapel Facility Request form (local form) to schedule the use of chapel facilities for all activities within the facilities. Ensure that all facilities used are properly maintained and secured upon departure.

5.13. Ensure the RE facility is opened at least one-half hour before RE classes begin and maintain a presence until classes are over and the facility is returned to a neutral setting and secured.

5.15. Develop a working knowledge of sacramental forms and policies required by the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) to insure proper Catholic protocols are maintained with contract priests, reservist priests and the AMS chancery office, and in coordination with the Catholic Priest will produce and submit forms, letters and communications with AMS. In the absence of the Catholic Priest will insure the same forms, letters and communications with

5.16. Ensure the parish census information (parish registration cards) is updated and maintained in a location determined by the staff. Maintain a monthly calendar of Mass Intentions for use by active duty, reserve and contract priests. Also responsible for creating Mass Cards and others certificates used in parish activities.

5.17. Will coordinate with the Diocese of Cheyenne and Archdiocese of Military Services (AMS) for religious rites, baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc. and ensure all paperwork is submitted as required by the Diocese of Cheyenne and AMS.

5.19. In the absence of the Catholic Priest, provide parish and RE statistical data for the Air Force Chaplain Corps Activity Reporting System (AFCCARS) by the 3rd of the month. Compile weekly, monthly and annual statistics related to the program(s) using reporting tools as required.

5.20. The CRE must provide a qualified subCRE when absent or otherwise unable to perform for the scheduled service and shall notify the Catholic Priest one week in advance of the name and the dates the subCRE will perform. Sub-contracted work should not exceed 30 days during the period of the contract. With the exception of emergencies, only two weeks of the 30 days shall be during the school year.

5.21. Be accountable for paying any Social Security payments, Federal or Local Income Taxes, and State Unemployment Insurance premiums for themselves, as well as any individual employed or subcontracted by them to provide services under this contract. Health care insurance will be the responsibility of the CRE and the Chaplain Corps will not be liable for any injury or accident associated with this service contract.

6. Government Provided Equipment

6.1. Provides office space with desk, chair, computer, printer, filing cabinets, bookcases, phone, expendable office supplies and other items deemed necessary to perform services described in this SOW.

7. Period of Performance. The contract will be in effect for 12 months with four (12 Month) option periods.

Interested Candidates are requested to forward their resume together with three references from individuals who can attest to the candidate’s good work and steadiness by October 16, 2019. Candidates who do not possess the specific attributes/qualifications in "Education and Experience Requirement" above need not apply. This is a part-time position with compensation based on budget and the successful candidate’s experience and qualifications.

Apply online at this job board or you may apply directly at: (scroll down to “F E Warren”). Your application must include three (3) references including one priest or pastor who can attest to your abilities as they relate to this job posting. References must include: name, title, organization, relationship to you, email address (necessary field) and phone number.

Posted on : 4 years ago