Employment Type : Full-Time
Have you longed for a chance of employment at a place where you can be yourself and feel like you belong? Panera Bread is the place where you are so much more than an employee; you become part of our Family. At Panera you have the opportunity to connect with our amazing Guests, impact the growth of the business, and most importantly serve our local community. While being a part of the team at Panera, you will have opportunities to provide unparalleled guest service, gain lifelong skills and have fun! Whether creating delicious sandwiches for our guests or connecting with our guest during your shift taking their order, there is a place for you here at Panera. At Panera Bread | Covelli Family Ltd., we believe in team work and getting the tough stuff done with optimism and enthusiasm. We are recruiting for ambitious, high energy and positive individuals to join our team! If this is you, apply today! We can’t wait to meet you! Benefits of Joining: Expectations We are an Equal Opportunity Employer