Employment Type : Full-Time
TITLE: STAFF LEVEL CLASSIFICATION: HOURS PER WEEK: Overall Responsibilities: Key Tasks & Responsibilities: Skills & Attributes: Experience Required: AT-WILL EMPLOYMENT: EQUAL OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT: Lakepointe Church holds its employees to a Code of Conduct consistent with conduct expected of those making application for membership. By making application for employment I certify that I am not now, nor have I recently been involved in a same sex relationship, cohabitation without marriage or any criminal activity. E-VERIFY:
Campus Childcare Coordinator - Richland Campus
Part Time/Hourly
Provide quality care for children ages birth through 5th grade while their parents are involved in other ministries at Lakepointe.
By submitting my resume to Lakepointe Church for potential employment I acknowledge that if hired, I will be an employment-at-will employee. I will be subject to dismissal or discipline without notice or cause, at the discretion of the employer. I understand that no representative of the church, other than the Director of Human Resources, Lead Pastor, Co-Lead Pastor or Elder Board have the authority to change the terms of an at-will employment and that any change can only occur with written notification.
Lakepointe Church's employment policy is to provide equal employment opportunity for all qualified employees and applicants without regard to race, color, sex, age or national origin. The Church does however, reserve the right to employ persons who have a Christian background and philosophy of ministry and who, in the opinion of the Church, have a work history and lifestyle which is consistent with the Scriptural principles the church embraces.
Lakepointe Church uses E-Verify to confirm the employment eligibility of all newly hired employees. To learn more about E-Verify, including your rights and responsibilities, visit www.dhs.gov/E-Verify.