Employment Type : Full-Time
Barnes & Noble College is a retail partner for nearly 800 colleges and universities nationwide. We offer a retail environment like no other – uniquely focused on delivering essential educational content, tools, and merchandise within a dynamic retail environment on campuses of higher education. Our teams interact directly with our customers including students, faculty, administration, alumni, and the general public to provide outstanding customer service to sell or rent books, general merchandise, and an array of products and services for an academic community all while being part of a company that is consistently rated as a great place to work - and where employees love what they do. Our stores can carry everything from text and trade books, technology, and school supplies to clothing, regalia, and food- everything a college student desires, their parents want, and our faculty needs. Seasonal employees can work in one or a variety of departments and are typically scheduled to work periodically throughout the year to support our peak periods or special events such as term/semester openings and closings and special events such as athletic events, book signings, and graduation. Expectations: Physical Demands: Qualifications: Barnes & Noble College is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer committed to diversity in the workplace. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or protected veteran status.